DSMS at Underwater Intervention 2023: Advancing Collaboration for Safer Diving

Insights Shared: Anthony Greenwood’s presentation delved into developing a thorough understanding of the 2024 IMO – International Code of Safety for Diving Operations. Attendees had the opportunity to learn proven methods for implementing a robust Diving Safety Management System and receive guidance on maintaining compliance with current industry standards and regulations.


Launching Skill N Depth: Excitingly, DSMS also unveiled and launched Skill N Depth, A BLOCKCHAIN VERIFIED SKILL-PLATFORM FOR THE OCCUPATIONAL DIVING INDUSTRY. Skill N Depth stands as a unique and specialized underwater skills marketplace for diving expertise on a global scale. The platform serves as a crucial link connecting diving professionals and organizations within the diving industry. Explore more at skillndepth.com.

Future Collaboration: Reflecting on the success of our participation, DSMS is eager to look ahead to future collaborations. We recognize the ever-evolving nature of the diving industry and understand the importance of uniting forces to navigate its challenges. If you have ideas, projects, or initiatives aligning with our commitment to diving safety and operational excellence, we want to hear from you. To get in touch with our team write to us at info@divesms.com